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Exploring the Iconic Quotes of Game of Thrones

"The things I do for love." - Jaime Lannister:

Jaime says this line before pushing Bran Stark from a tower window, intending to kill him and keep his incestuous relationship with Cersei a secret. It highlights the lengths he is willing to go for love and loyalty.

Season 1, Episode 1 - "Winter is Coming"

"What do we say to the god of death?" - Arya Stark:

The quote originates from Game of Thrones but is slightly different from the actual quote in the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. In the books, the quote is "Fear cuts deeper than swords," and it is attributed to Syrio Forel, Arya Stark's sword-fighting instructor. However, in the TV adaptation, the quote was modified to "What do we say to the god of death? Not today."

In the first season of the TV series, Arya Stark, played by Maisie Williams, trains under Syrio Forel, a skilled swordsman from Braavos. He imparts valuable lessons to Arya about bravery and facing her fears. During one of their training sessions, Arya asks Syrio, "What do we say to the god of death?" Syrio responds with, "Not today."

This quote embodies the idea of resilience and defiance in the face of mortality. It represents Arya's determination to survive and elude death. As the story progresses, Arya faces numerous life-threatening situations, and the quote serves as a personal mantra, reminding her to stay strong and persevere in the face of danger.

The modified quote has become one of the most memorable lines from the series, symbolizing Arya's tenacity and her refusal to succumb to the looming threat of death. It has resonated with fans and has been widely embraced as an expression of courage and the will to fight against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Pointy End."

"Winter is coming." - Ned Stark:

This quote serves as the motto of House Stark, one of the major noble houses in the series. It emphasizes the impending danger and constant threat of the harsh winter that the people of Westeros must prepare for.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow" - Ygritte:

This quote is one of the most famous and recurring lines from the Game of Thrones series. It is primarily associated with the character Ygritte, a wildling woman who develops a romantic relationship with Jon Snow, played by Kit Harington.

Ygritte, portrayed by Rose Leslie, first utters this line during their time together beyond the Wall, Ygritte frequently taunts Jon Snow, a member of the Night's Watch, about his lack of knowledge and understanding of the wildling way of life.

The quote encapsulates Ygritte's playful and teasing nature towards Jon Snow. It serves as a reminder of their cultural differences and highlights the character development of Jon Snow throughout the series. Jon Snow starts as a young and naive member of the Night's Watch but gradually learns about the complexities of the world and the conflicts within it.

The quote takes on a deeper meaning as the story progresses. It represents the divide between Jon Snow's upbringing and the harsh realities he faces beyond the Wall. It becomes a poignant symbol of his growth and the lessons he learns through his relationship with Ygritte.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow" has become an enduring and beloved phrase among fans, often used as a playful reference to the series. It reflects the complexities of relationships and the journey of self-discovery that Jon Snow experiences throughout the Game of Thrones narrative

Season 2, Episode 6 - "The Old Gods and the New."

"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." - Cersei Lannister:

Cersei, the cunning and ambitious queen, speaks these words to Ned Stark in the first season. It encapsulates the ruthless nature of the power struggles and political maneuvering in the fight for the Iron Throne.
Season 1, Episode 7 - "You Win or You Die"

Season 1, Episode 7 - "You Win or You Die"

"A Lannister always pays his debts." - Tyrion Lannister:

Tyrion, a member of House Lannister known for their wealth and influence, often uses this phrase. It symbolizes the Lannister's reputation for ensuring that any debts owed to them are repaid, both monetarily and otherwise.

"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder." - Petyr Baelish:

Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger, shares this insightful observation about chaos with Varys. He believes that in times of chaos and instability, opportunities arise for ambitious individuals to climb the social and political ladder.
Season 3 Episode 6 - "The Climb"

Season 3 Episode 6 - "The Climb"

"I drink and I know things." - Tyrion Lannister:

This quote reflects Tyrion's wit and intelligence. Despite being constantly underestimated due to his dwarfism, Tyrion uses his sharp mind and penchant for wine to navigate the complex political landscape.
Season 6, Episode 2 - "Home"

Season 6, Episode 2 - "Home"

"Valar Morghulis." - Jaqen H'ghar:

This phrase is part of the Braavosi language and translates to "All men must die." Jaqen H'ghar, a mysterious assassin and follower of the Faceless Men, often uses this saying to remind others of the inevitability of death. Season 2, Episode 10 - "Valar Morghulis"

Season 2, Episode 10 - "Valar Morghulis"

"The night is dark and full of terrors." - Melisandre:

Melisandre, a red priestess and advisor to Stannis Baratheon, frequently utters this phrase. It represents the belief in the power of the Lord of Light and the lurking presence of supernatural forces in the darkness.

"Hold the door!" - Hodor:

This poignant quote is a tragic revelation about Hodor's name and purpose. It signifies Bran Stark's ability to influence the past and showcases Hodor's selfless act of sacrificing himself to "hold the door" and protect Bran and Meera.

Season 6, Episode 5 - "The Door"

"Dracarys." - Daenerys Targaryen:

This Valyrian word means "dragonfire." Daenerys, the Mother of Dragons, often commands her dragons by uttering this phrase, resulting in devastating displays of their fiery power.

Season 3, Episode 4 - "And Now His Watch Is Ended"

Night's Watch oath:

"I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men."

This is part of the vow taken by the members of the Night's Watch, who protect the realms from the dangers beyond the Wall, including the White Walkers and other supernatural threats.

"The North remembers." - House Stark motto:

This motto reflects the resilience and loyalty of House Stark. It signifies that the people of the North hold onto their memories of past injustices and are determined to seek justice and reclaim their power.

"A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I'm going home." - Arya Stark:

Arya utters this line after completing her training with the Faceless Men and reclaiming her identity. It demonstrates her fierce determination to return to her roots and seek vengeance against those who have wronged her family.

"I will take what is mine with fire and blood." - Daenerys Targaryen:

Daenerys proclaims this statement throughout her journey, emphasizing her unwavering resolve to reclaim the Iron Throne and rule Westeros using her dragons and military might.

"The king in the north!" - Lyanna Mormont:

This rallying cry originates from Lyanna Mormont, the young Lady of Bear Island. She declares Jon Snow as the rightful King in the North, showcasing her unwavering support and determination in the face of adversity.

Season 6, Episode 10 - "The Winds of Winter"

These quotes capture the essence of the characters, their motivations, and the overarching themes of power, loyalty, and survival in the world of Game of Thrones.

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